Environment and Society Section
Portuguese Sociological Association
Call for papers
As the interactions between environment and society become more and more complex, there is a greater need for critical analysis of the current challenges and pathways to change. This two-day seminar aims at bringing together scholars whose work engages with the cross-disciplinary field of society-environmental relations. The goal is to share and debate new insights on the issues that result from the complexity of the interactions within society, and between society and nature.
Therefore, the seminar will cover reflections from multiple origins that, together, allow a more integrated understanding of environmental problems and dilemmas in today's societies. In such perspective, approaches based on systemic views of nature and sustainability are welcome.
We invite contributions on topics including, but not limited to:
Social and environmental theories;
New trends in research methodologies;
Production, consumption and sustainability;
Ecological attitudes and values;
Social practices, change, environment and sustainability;
Environmental and technological risk;
Science, technology and uncertainty;
Representations, narratives and discourses;
Social movements and environmental conflicts;
Environmental justice, inequality and intersectionality;
Environmental democracy, governance and participation for sustainability;
De-growth, sustainable development and 2030 Agenda;
Environmental policies, planning and sustainability;
Energy transition and society;
Climate change and global change;
Human-animal relations;
Environmental disasters, nature and society;
Territory, space and environment.
All interested researchers are invited to submit theoretical and empirical contributions on these or related topics.
Interested researchers may submit abstracts for papers to be presented in thematic sessions or propose the organization of a panel with 3 to 4 presenters on a specific topic.
Abstracts should be up to 2000 characters, including spaces (around 300 words) and must be accompanied by:
name(s) of the author(s)
Panel proposals (90-minute time slots) must include three to four presenters, and:
abstract of the panel (up to 2000 characters, including spaces)
abstracts of three to four presentations (up to 2000 characters, incl. spaces)
names of chair and each panelist
Each participant can present one paper as first author and be co-author of one more paper or organizer of one panel.
Abstracts and panel proposals must be submitted, either in English or Portuguese, until December 8, 2019.
After abstract evaluation, participants will be informed about the acceptance of their contribution no later than December 17, 2019.